Yes! Our website is completely secure. We have a Google Digital Security Certificate.
Yes! Our payments area is from Mercado Pago, one of the safest platforms for online purchases.
We use the Transparent Checkout method.
This means that you will not be redirected to any other page, the entire payment process will be done on the Mercado Pago page itself.
Yes! We have an extended 60-day warranty against manufacturing defects.
The warranty starts from the moment you receive the product.
Once payment is confirmed, your order enters the queue to be dispatched. Our shipping time is up to 4 working days. As soon as the order is dispatched we send the tracking number.
Just below each product, our system automatically calculates the delivery estimate according to your location.
We accept Pix, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Boleto. If none of these alternatives suit you, feel free to contact our team for other payment options.
Yes. We value transparency and that is why all products are sent with internationally valid tracking codes.
Our suppliers are International. The product comes by air freight and once it arrives in Brazil, the rest of the journey to your home is carried out by the Post Office. From start to finish of the process you can follow it with a single International Tracking code.
Yes. When ordering as a gift for someone, be sure to enter your email address to receive all information. On the recipient, put the name and address of the person for whom the gift is intended. We will keep the price and other purchase values hidden.
There are some steps to be followed to obtain a refund. In the footer of our website there is a tab called "Refund". There you will find all the information regarding the refund.